Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Diabetes Food | Diabetes Food Recipe

Everyone is a good choice for breakfast recipe is important, so that he knows that breakfast is the most important meal. This carbohydrate to eat breakfast, sometimes normal. High-protein foods are very important.

Some good ideas include breakfast:
Piece of whole wheat toast with eggs
Small bowl of blueberries and a few almonds
Half a banana
Natural peanut butter on a slice of white bread, a small amount


It did not take very long at all to prepare simple recipes have gestational diabetes. Need to put together this evening is the best choice for all who do not have the time. 45 grams of carbohydrates per meal is best to stick.

Here are some good dinner ideas:

Fresh Fruit Bowl
Whole wheat bread with turkey, lettuce, tomato sandwich, and with
A small piece of fruit
Boneless, skinless chicken breast (that can be prepared early in the day or night.)


For dinner, gestational diabetes, high protein foods such as meat and fish recipes usually occurs. Both are free of carbohydrates.

Some carbohydrates, grilled chicken, salmon, tuna, or, still be allowed. Here are some suggestions:

Small portions of pasta
Baked Potato
Sugar-free yogurt
1 cup fruit
1 cup steamed asparagus

Sweets and cookies

Sweets and snacks eaten between meals.

Here is a mini-cheesecake recipe easy to make:

1 cup water
Tasteless gelatin
16 g cheese, softened and chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla
Instead of sugar 3 / 4 cup
Instant pudding mix 2 tablespoons sugar

Sprinkle gelatin over water and leave for two minutes.
Microwave 40-50 seconds the mixture, then stir.
Wait a few minutes, mix.
Add cream cheese cubes and stir some more.
Put the blender and blend well.
Pudding mixture, add vanilla and sugar substitute.
A jar or a muffin or 8 "cake pan pour.
Put in freezer until firm.