Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Lemon Chicken | Lemon Chicken Recipe


2 large chicken breasts, cut into small pieces (about 12 grams)
C. 1 Tea. soy sauce
1 lemon, juice and both the shell (shell chips)
1 / 4 c. water
C. 1 soup. sugar
2 c. Soup. cornstarch
2 c. Soup. olive oil
1 egg yolk
C. 1 Tea. cornstarch
Salt and pepper to taste

Route :

In a bowl of soy sauce into the chicken. Then marinate for about half an hour. You can continue to make the sauce and also the beginning of its cooking process, while the chicken marinade.

All the ingredients with water, lemon, sugar and 2 c. to the table. Cornstarch in a saucepan with a whisk. Allow the sauce to reach the boil, and continue to whisk until it thickens. Then keep warm over low heat, while the rest of the meal is prepared.

In another pan heat the olive oil. In a bowl, using a mixture of 1 hit tea. Cornstarch and egg yolks. These two ingredients make the dough. Now cover Place the chicken in this mixture and cover the material well. Then you fry the chicken in oil a few minutes before the pieces over and cook the other side for a few minutes. Make sure they are well made.

Take the pieces from the pan and place them on plates to serve. The sauce can be poured over the chicken now.