Minggu, 11 September 2011

Dog Food Recipe | Dog Food Recipes

Ingredients :

4 cups of organic meat, finely chopped
3 cups of organic vegetables, finely chopped
4 cups of organic whole grain
Organic olive oil and 1 teaspoon

Method :

Water and cover over low heat for an hour, or until the grains are usually mild. Family homemade dog food stored in the refrigerator or freeze them for longer storage.

A variety of dog food is absolutely necessary protein, vegetables and grains contain. As well as meat scraps, fruit peel, it is unlikely that food left over from breakfast oatmeal. Organic dog food recipes that several additional items in the following:

Raisins, onions, garlic, chocolate, sugar substitute, uncooked meat, grapes, fake fats, egg shells, mushrooms, macadamias, citrus oil, persimmon, avocado, cheese, anything moldy, or damaged items. Also, stick to the real wealth of the oil sludge kullanın.Yağ, which could potentially cause pancreatitis in some creatures. Even your dog the best diet is often milk and dairy products tend to be left out, be careful.

Obviously, this is certainly an incomplete list. Every plan that provides your pet food, veterinary clinic should be reviewed. Deemed to be accepted and clearly labeled as organic or add dog food, keep in mind that no matter what. Almost every formula feed use only natural ingredients is an organic dog food.