Jumat, 09 September 2011

Fruit Salad | Fruit Salad Recipe

Ingredients :

1 Pink Papaya

1 Green Papaya

1 pint fresh strawberries

1 lime halves

Fresh mint to decorate

Methode :

Remove skin and seeds of the papaya and cut them into quarters or 1-inch pieces 1-inch strips cut papaya salad and other changes in the eye.

Wash strawberries, remove stems and cut in half.

Throw your favorite dish serving of fruit, lime, mint and garnish with a squeeze top.

Here, the second option for the fruit salad in the winter.

4 peeled, seedless orange
3 pink grapefruit, peeled
A powder of the skin off the pineapple and cut into quarter-inch cubes
Focus on fruits, cut 2-Star fruit shape
Pomegranate seeds

Remove the white core of oranges and grapefruit, cut into quarters lengthwise into slices 1/4-inch fruit. In a bowl, pineapple, star fruit and serve toss with pomegranate seeds.

Fruit salad recipes as a side, flat or vanilla yogurt (Greek yogurt is an excellent option as well) and serve them buffet style, or "bib lettuce, and sometimes a piece of fruit juice containers" of Boston lettuce is called to add some additional renewable natural beauty .