Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Appetizers Finger Food | Appetizers Finger Food Recipes

Ingredients :
1 pound ground beef
1 jar favorite spaghetti sauce (14 grams)
2 tubes refrigerator biscuits
cup grated cheese (cheddar and mozzarella mixture, if desired)

Method :
That is why I often fell apart. Chopping, stirring, and boil a large pot. Once it is all brown, add the spaghetti sauce and mix thoroughly boşaltın.Kavanoz excess fat. Let sauce, heat for 5 to 10 minutes.
Open biscuits and cookies for the removal of containers. Press each cookie cup oil cakes. Spoon cake mix 2 tablespoons of beef into the center.
From 15 to 17 minutes or until the cookies bake in the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit golden brown color. Remove and sprinkle with cheese to each. Cook for 3 minutes, until cheese is bubbly.